More 30’s
The number of 30 plus fish has reached 44 with three 40s and 4 Catfish over 40lb two of which were over 50lb.
This is all since the the beginning of April.
Tony Plumpton, caught a leather weighing 21.04lb.
Tuffy Abdelhadi had a mirror weighing 19lb.
Steve Leeves. Kept mobile and was rewarded with a common of 15lb and two Mirrors 20.3lb and 23lb.
James Pearce, continued his catching spree his fish were as follows;
30.2lb grassy, 17.2 common, 20.2 common, 12.00 common, 11.00 common, 23.2 common, 16.8 common, 30.0lb common, 32.8 lbmirror