All seems quiet on the catch report front, and I can confirm its not down to my lack of posts, but a quiet spell on the mill. The recent band of high pressure that has brought us these lovely summery days has slowed things down, the naturals are in abundance, and from my own tree observations, you can clearly see the fish ravishing in the densely populated canadian.
Although slow, the quality of fish coming out has been impressive. Chillies graced the bank for the first time in a couple of months at 45.02, and the Grey plated mirror made a fine brace to the same angler at 35.11.
Another member had a quality hit of 3 Thirties in a night so congratulations to him.
A summary of the past 13 days activity:
8x Doubles – Up to: 19.08
19x Twenties – Up to: 27.02
6x Thirties – Up to: 35.11
1 x Forty – Up to: 45.02