
The lake has been re opened today after a two week close season. 17th -31st March During this time we have managed to achieve a lot. All swim repairs have been completed, the paths and swims have all been woood chipped, the removal of misplaced trees has continued,...

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Winter Tickets

  A limited number of winter tickets are now available , running from October until March.  Price £350.   Please fill in the online application form stating that you want a winter ticket and I will be in touch.  

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The New Residents at Chilham arrive.  Winter Tickets available I am pleased to report that VS Fisheries C5 carp were stocked on the 18th November.These fish are truly stunning, they are all Leaney/Sutton or Leaney/ Dinks crosses.A further stocking of fish will take...

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New Stocking As promised earlier in the year, we are waiting for delivery hopefully this month of VS Fisheries C5 Carp. these in my opinion and a lot of other fishery owners are the best carp money can buy. You can read all about these fish on

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August 12

The lake aeration project, is now complete with one large electrical aerator being fitted alongside three wind turbine aerators.We are still going to introduce C5 VS fisheries carp in November.The removal of the catfish has slowed somewhat as very few are being landed...

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Summary of last Season.

Welcome to the New Season at Chilham Mill Carp Syndicate.Last season was a great success, with so many anglers having multiple 30lbPlus carp in one session.Some sessions were truly incredible.The total number of DIFFERENT 30lb plus fish caught was 61,with three fish...

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7th November – 27th November

Congratulations to Pat Isaacs for winning the Catfish Trophy for the most captures. Below Adam Penning presents Pat with his Trophy, £50 voucher plus an addittional prize of £25 from Fatfish Tackle. The lake produced its biggest common since April 2011 at 35.05 one of...

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24th October – 7th November

Well what can I say about Chilham Mill over the past 10 days? Absolute excellence! I believe there have been 3 members taking a brace of 30's in their session with 3 of those fish being in excess of 35lb! The weather is extremely mild for this time of year, and as you...

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7th October – 24th October

As you are aware, there has been a dramatic change in the weather over the last 10 days, with the first frosts spreading across kent and the water temperatures dropping, it really triggered the big girls in to coming out to play. Chillies fish made an appearance at...

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4th October – 7th October

Good news from the mill. The recent band of low pressure has really improved the fishing and the fish are  back on the munch. The Grey Plated who has played hide and seek since April,  has been out today for the 3rd time this year at an impressive 37.02. Takes seem to...

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20th September – 4th October

All seems quiet on the catch report front, and I can  confirm its not down to my lack of posts, but a quiet spell on the mill. The recent band of high pressure that has brought us these lovely summery days has slowed things down, the naturals are in abundance, and...

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7th September – 20th September

The past few weeks has seen few anglers on the lake, by saturday mid morning there was only one angler and Sunday the baton was passed to another sole angler. Despite the sparse attendance some big fish have been caught the best falling to Terry Barber. Heres a...

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A Mystery Common

Keep your eyes peeled Syndicate anglers for this common. It hasn't been caught official since october 2010, but myself and Pat Isaacs managed to catch the line and rig it had in its mouth, back in march during the Chilham Match. Its usual weight is between 33 - 38lb....

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Catfish Challenge

The Catfish competition was not quite what we were hoping for . There were 5 hooked and lost, but none landed. On the bright side it means the voucher for £50 to be spent in Fatfish tackle stays in my pocket! I thought that I would give this prize to the angler who...

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7th August – 14th August

An update for the continued success of the Chilham anglers for the last 7 Days: We await photographs to see if we have anymore new Thirties. 27.12 Grassy, 31.00 Mirror, 23.08 Common, 22.08 Common, 21.08 mirror, 20.08 common, 14.00 Linear, 10.4 Common, 28.12 mirror,...

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Stock Update

Just to give a summary of whats going on With the Gallery, and the fish that have been out since Membership began; 3 x 40 + Fish, all Mirrors, up to 46.5 This season. 57 x 30+ Fish between 30.00 and 39.4 - Definately a few of these in the making for new 40lbers,...

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26th July – 7th August

From the time of the last update it may seem to you as if the fishing has slowed down, but that isn't the case, no more than 9 or 10 guys have reported catches and as Vince has pointed out there hasn't been the numbers fishing that there were a month ago. Even still...

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12th July – 26th July

We now have 52 different verified 30plus Carp caught since April. Lots  of different members have graced the banks over the past couple of weeks. Good hits of fish coming from around the lake, there's not a a single swim now that hasn't done a bite in the past 3...

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10th-12th July

A nice pressure drop in the last few days and Chilham has once again gone a little crazy to the guys who have been lucky enough to wet a line. Chillys fish has been out at it's highest summer weight for the last 2 years.. 43.02 45 Different 30+ Fish now... May the...

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29th June – 10th July

The results that have been coming in have really taken off again. A few more big hits of fish and a few new different 30+ fish. The tally is now up to 43 different fish over 30lb landed and the gallery is being regulary updated with all new fish to show the stock of...

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